منتديات زنقتنا-منتديات شباب ليبيا الأحرار

عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة
يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول إذا كنت عضو معنا
أو التسجيل إن لم تكن عضو وترغب في الإنضمام إلي أسرة المنتدي
سنتشرف بتسجيلك

إدارة المنتدي

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

منتديات زنقتنا-منتديات شباب ليبيا الأحرار

عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة
يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول إذا كنت عضو معنا
أو التسجيل إن لم تكن عضو وترغب في الإنضمام إلي أسرة المنتدي
سنتشرف بتسجيلك

إدارة المنتدي
منتديات زنقتنا-منتديات شباب ليبيا الأحرار
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منذ قليل

5 مشترك

اذهب الى الأسفل

GMT + 9 Hours منذ قليل

مُساهمة من طرف إبن العظمى الخميس 29 سبتمبر - 18:39

مئات الصواريخ المختلفه تتساقط في هذه الاثناء على مدينة سرت المجاهده ... كذلك قامت قوات المجاهدين باسر بعض مرتزقه الناتو وغنم العشرات من الاليات


منذ قليل  333معمر-القذافي
أنا لم أموت بل في قلوب الملايين أعيش وذكراي لن تمسحها الصواريخ والمدافع
منذ قليل  304169_302293256466766_257313794298046_1126197_720288011_n
منذ قليل  1194-11
لن أتخلى عن رايتي الخضراء ولن أخون وطني ولن أخرج على ولي أمري
منذ قليل  933555907
إبن العظمى

الجنس : ذكر
عدد المساهمات : 4279
نقاط : 14257
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/09/2011

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

GMT + 9 Hours رد: منذ قليل

مُساهمة من طرف إبن العظمى الخميس 29 سبتمبر - 19:13

الله فوق كيد المعتدي والخائن والكذاب والعميل والمرتشي , سرت لها الله ,ناموا يازلط وياتراهنة وياخمساوية في العسل تحت أوامر ناس ما أستحمتش منذ خمس أشهر مزاريط بويات يحجبوا عنكم الحقيقة

منذ قليل  1194-11

منذ قليل  1277


منذ قليل  333معمر-القذافي
أنا لم أموت بل في قلوب الملايين أعيش وذكراي لن تمسحها الصواريخ والمدافع
منذ قليل  304169_302293256466766_257313794298046_1126197_720288011_n
منذ قليل  1194-11
لن أتخلى عن رايتي الخضراء ولن أخون وطني ولن أخرج على ولي أمري
منذ قليل  933555907
إبن العظمى

الجنس : ذكر
عدد المساهمات : 4279
نقاط : 14257
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/09/2011

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

GMT + 9 Hours اخبار ليبيا العاجله ليوم 28.9.2011

مُساهمة من طرف الرجل الحر الخميس 29 سبتمبر - 18:48

اخبار ليبيا العاجله ليوم 28.9.2011

International airport of the capital was attacked by the rockets
of Khamis`s guerrillas. One side (probably Turkish one) was damaged.

Bani Walid:
Sniper killed the commander of the rebels Samem Alnata Tvaira.
This<lj-cut> happened during the attack of rebels convoy outside
the city. Also the Loyalists attacked the rebels in the Valley Bani
Dinar. Gadhafi appeared on local radio with a short speech.

Western Libya, Ghadames:
Guerrillas of Khamis atacked the rebels escort. Several cars were destroyed.

The resistance Continues.
Only the central region of Gurtha is completely under the rebels controll.

Guerrillas of Khamis`sguerrillas has blown up the storage refinery
for several hours before the landing of foreign specialists In the city

Speaking on specialists - GardaWorld were noticed there in Libya.
The largest private security company (Xe* - compared with them - the Boy Scouts).

They are confronted by special military forces of Khamis.
Understanding the low fighting efficiency of the militia, Khamis gave
each a partisan-guerrilla detachment a platoon of 20-30 soldiers of his
brigade, which neutralize the supply lines, logistics and operational
base. There are 83 detachments now.
These were these groups attacked Zaviyu Ras Lanuf and Breguet. So
of the 3 000 that he had a couple of weeks ago there are few of the
fighters from the brigade now - although these residues are routing the
rebels in Bani Walid and Sirte.

Not far from the city of Misurata by the seacost of Zliten NATO
ship struck a naval mine or was fired - witnesses say that they have
seen the intensive smoke.

1.Ghadames. The touaregs the lions of the sahara have annihilated
the rats in ghadames area , resulting to the death of more than 50 of
them and the flee of the rest.

2.Sirte. In the west front of Sirte , a week after the death of
Ibrahim al Halbous al Katiba , the commander of the criminal gang of
misrati rats called "black katiba" , his
brother, leader of the armed ga...ngs of Misrata,Mohammed al
Hablous was killed by our brave lions of Sirte. These two deaths have
lowered the morale of rats in the West front
of Sirte and as the result was their retreat.
In the East front of Sirte some little forces of rats having been
covered from Nato airplaines and some rats` boats tried to infiltrate
and enter the city. Army allowed them ( 2 tanks
12 vehicles and some other ) to come near the center where they
were trapped and faced death. One survivor of ratsthat fled in front of
BBC camera and cried: "Please enter the city we
are trapped we dont have so much power!!"- And the reply of the
rats to his cry was that they could not enter because of the fight. So
all those rats can now considered to be dead.

3.Bani Walid. The second one in the command of the rats of Tripoli
brigade, Sami Ali al Tarhouni was killed yesterday.He was one of many
rats that faced death. Also the traitor that wanted to surrend Bani
Walid to the rats by negociations was captured by the people of Bani
4.Tripoli. 14 rats found their death in 2 ambushes last night.
Our source in Tripoli reports that in the night the checkpoints of
rats are empty because no rat wants to stand there at the check point
waiting for death ( our snipers killed many rats in this way last week).
Britan will withdraw 6 apache that where operating in Libya ,
probably after agreement with Libyan reisistance in order to gain the
release of Briutish rats captured in Sirte
and Bani Walid.
A commander of "rats"Daou al-Salhine al-Jadak faced death by a
grad from the people of Bani Walid outside Bani Walid ... We remind you
that this ignorant "rat "was blabla to the
journalists like this :10 Sep 2011 -- Daw Saleheen, a
representative of the NTC's military council, said: "We are not far from
liberating Bani Walid. We urge Gaddafi fighters
to lay down the arms... "
Now this "rat" will not blabla again.
Re: 27.09.11:Sirte is controlled by Libyan Army.The Libyan Army
freed several army members and pro-Gaddafi civilians who were abducted
in Al-Jadeeda prison in Tripoli;Moussa Ibrahim said that he was in Sirte
yesterday; Al-Mutasim message;Alan Jules in... 28.09.2011 12:12

Libya Liberal Youth to publish the facts for Libya tomorrow
updates from the front lines.
1.Ghadames , the touaregs, the lions of the sahara have
annihilated the <lj-cut>rats in ghadames area , resulting to the
death of more than 50 of them and the flee of the rest.
2.Sirte. In the west front of sirte , a week after the death of
Ibrahim al Halbous al katiba , commander of the criminal gang of misrati
rats called "black katiba" , his brother, leader of the armed gangs of
Misrata,Mohammed al Hablous was killed by our brave lions of sirte. This
two deaths have lowered the morale of rats in the west front of sirte
and resulted to their retreat.
In the east front of sirte some little forces of rats having cover
from Nato airplaines and some boats tried to infiltrate and enter the
city. Army allowed to them ( 2 tanks 12 vehicles and some other ) to
come near center where they were trapped and faced death. One survivor
of ratsthat fled in front of bbc camera cried:Please enter the city we
are trapped we dont have so much power, and the reply of the rats to his
cry was that they could not enter because of the fight. So all those
rats can now considered dead.
3.Bani Walid , second in command of the rats tripoli brigade, sami
ali al tarhouni was killed yesterday.he was one of the many rats that
faced death.Also the traitor that wanted to surrender bani walid to the
rats by negociations was captured by the people of bani walid.
4.Tripoli. in 2 ambushes last night 14 rats found death.Our source
in Tripoli reports that in the night the checkpoints of rats are empty
because no rat wants to stand waiting for death ( our snipers killed
many rats in this way last week).
*I do not know the meaning.

The 28th of September:

1. Sebha is under control of Libyan army and Tuareg moujaheeds.
15000 Tuaregs from all desert area were come to Sebha. A green flags
over roofs on Sebha.
Rats were refused to fight coz they have numerous victims.NATO was
apported them 16 millions stolen money from Libyan banks to pay them to
continue to fight.

2. Sirt. Rats commander Mohamed Nabus was killed tonight. Last day
was killed Bengazi Rats commander Habib and his commander. Currently
there is a fight but outer town. NATO continious boming town. Counter
attack of Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds. There is a brigade of
general Al Duri with his headquarters and more than 3000 fighters which
fight against NATO rats. In counter attak were killed 10 Rats and 80
wounded. New tribes moujaheeds from Tarhuna were come to help Libyan
people in Sirte.

In Tripoli airport was destroyed Turkish military airplane by Libyan army.

In Uzd Tah Tuareg moujaheeds were smashed Rats. 270 killed Rats, 100 captured, 60 battle cars destoyed.

In Ghat on south on Libya Libyan army were killed 20 Rats. The battle was 20 kn from town Ghat.

Here is excellent professional text and site translator

PS1: Good source of news is this Venezuela's site http://resistencialibia.info

Just use translator. Here you can download professionl translator program for own use.
I will try to find a crack for it. Just e mail me if you want.


The 28th of September.
Maybe freelance reporters, sending the news. Then the BBC choose what to print or tell the world:

http:// www.bbc.co.uk/news/mobile/world-africa-14965062 http:// www.bbc.co.uk/news/mobile/world-africa-14965062

Hundreds of African migrant workers in Libya have been imprisoned
by fighters allied to the new interim authorities, accused of being
mercenaries for Col Muammar Gaddafi, and there are claims that homes
have been looted, and women and girls beaten and raped, as the BBC's Ian
Pannell reports.
It was a visit the Nigerian family had been dreading.
They had been hiding in their tiny slum home in a Tripoli suburb
since Col Gaddafi had been swept from power, fearing the knock at the
door. Earlier this month 20 rebel fighters came, demanding to be let in,
shouting "murtazaka".
It is the word every black African in Libya knows too well.
Murtazaka is Arabic for "mercenary", the armed men allegedly employed by
the former regime to carry out some of the worst excesses of the
The fighters forced their way into the Nigerian family's home.
They beat the couple living there. They stole their possessions and
money, abducted the father of the house and turned on his 16-year-old
daughter. She told us what happened:
"A group of armed men came to our house. They started knocking,
they came in saying 'murtazaka'. They locked my mother inside a toilet.
Six of them raped me. They took our belongings and money. My father
tried to stop them but they hit him and carried him away."
That was nearly three weeks ago and she has not seen or heard of her father since.
Violent campaign
When rebel fighters moved into Tripoli last month, an immediate
hunt began for former regime loyalists and African mercenaries accused
of working for Col Gaddafi.
Evidence has emerged in a series of interviews that suggests that
some engaged in a violent campaign of abuse and intimidation against the
black immigrant community in Tripoli.
Hundreds of men have been arrested with little or no evidence,
homes have been pillaged and people beaten up. Most victims are too
afraid to be identified but they contacted the BBC to air their
One man showed us around another home that had been ransacked. A
thick iron bar in the corner of the dark room had been used to beat the
men and the women there as the rebels made off with their money and few
He told us he was glad when Col Gaddafi was overthrown, expecting a
better life. Instead he and hundreds of others black Africans have
become victims, a soft target.
"This is the African continent, I am an African, this is my land.
Is it because of my colour, because I am a black man? We don't have a
voice. Who would you to turn to?"
On the outskirts of the city we were invited to film a truck-load
of men from Niger who had just been picked up. They too were accused of
being mercenaries while being made to chant anti-Gaddafi slogans by
leering fighters before being put to work hauling boxes of documents and
weapons found in the woods.
Casual manual labour
There are no figures for how many foreign mercenaries Col Gaddafi employed.
It is almost certainly far fewer than the rebel fighters
suspected. Most black Africans in Libya have been living here for years
doing casual manual labour.
But just as it was easier to suspect foreigners (rather than
Libyans) of doing the Colonel's bidding throughout the course of battles
for cities like Benghazi and Misrata, so it is now easier to round up
those who can be easily distinguished by the colour of their skin.
The transitional council has told its fighters to avoid revenge
attacks and there has been far less violence than many had feared. But
the city's jails are still full of men detained with little or no
evidence, with no access to lawyers or even their families. One woman
showed us the black eye she received for arguing with the fighters as
they dragged her husband away:
"There has been no communication. I am scared of everything
happening in this country. I am now begging them to just leave my
husband, he's innocent, he's very quiet, he couldn't even fight me," she
The leadership of the National Transitional Council has repeatedly
called for restraint from its fighters, urging them to avoid revenge

The Bani Walid front is a chaotic place.
Forces loyal to Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC), the
interim administration, are struggling to make headway against
pro-Gaddafi fighters inside the desert town, 140km (87 miles) south-east
of Tripoli.
The overriding impression is one of disorganisation among the anti-Gaddafi forces as they try to liberate Bani Walid.
At a checkpoint on the main road, 25km north of the town, the
fighters regroup in the compound of a large grain store where they test
their heavy weapons.
They are still within range of the Gaddafi forces' long-range
artillery and claim that eight shells landed nearby at the weekend, one
of them hitting a grain silo.
Typically, the NTC fighters race up and down the main road in
manic fashion, tyres screeching on the tarmac, in a gratuitous display
of urgency.
In a cloud of dust, one of their "technicals" - civilian pickup
trucks with guns mounted on the back - comes out of the grain store at
such speed that it spills its load of ammunition and supplies on to the
main road.
There is no sense of a proper military command structure here.
Anas Hudairi, a thoughtful 23-year-old from Calgary in Canada who
arrived here in mid-August, blames the chaos on the inexperienced
volunteers who fail to follow orders.
"These people are idiots," he says. "They just want to come and do
their own thing. They're creating big problems for the other fighters.
"We ask them to cover our backs and [when] we return from the
front line, they're not there. They have no battlefield experience, no
sense of tactics or strategy. They're not even accustomed to the noise
of weapons".
Anas speaks with maturity, but admits he only taught himself how
to use a weapon shortly before leaving his adopted home in Canada.
Resting in the shade on another baking hot afternoon, another
fighter, Idris, shows us his car which has been pockmarked with shrapnel
after an attack inside Bani Walid.
He raises a common theme: Knowing who to trust.
"I think someone gave away our position," he says.
"We don't trust everyone, but we need someone to show us the way
with a map of Bani Walid. The town and its population are proving
difficult for the NTC forces."
'Wrong approach'
Wearing a bandana, Abdul Majid approaches to underscore the problem with the civilians of Bani Walid.
"They are shooting at us from their houses. We don't need that. We
want their co-operation. Families have left, but the men have stayed
behind, and every house has a gun," he claims.

ترجموا وانشروا...


قال نابليون بونابرت
(مثل الذي خان وطنه وباع بلاده كمثل الذي يسرق من مال أبيه ليطعم اللصوص فلا ابوه يسامحه ولا اللص يكافؤه)
منذ قليل  WGn86936

الشكر الخاص للعضو...عشم الوطن...لاهدائنا هذا التوقيع الجميل.

البث المباشر لقناه الرأي:
nilesat 11316 V 25700 3/4

قناه الثوره:

قناه المقاومه:
الرجل الحر
الرجل الحر

الجنس : ذكر
عدد المساهمات : 1591
نقاط : 12277
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/06/2011

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

GMT + 9 Hours رد: منذ قليل

مُساهمة من طرف البرغوثي الخميس 29 سبتمبر - 18:54

الله أكبر




الجنس : ذكر
عدد المساهمات : 4771
نقاط : 14821
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/05/2011

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

GMT + 9 Hours رد: منذ قليل

مُساهمة من طرف عاشت ليبيا الخميس 29 سبتمبر - 19:14

الله اكبر
اشاء الله منتصرين


منذ قليل  Alfaris_net_1317253468

اناديكم........ اشد على اياديكم
وابوسو الارض....... تحت نعالكم
واقول .....افديكم

عاشت ليبيا
عاشت ليبيا

الجنس : ذكر
عدد المساهمات : 161
نقاط : 9676
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/09/2011

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

GMT + 9 Hours رد: منذ قليل

مُساهمة من طرف فلسطيني محب القذافي الخميس 29 سبتمبر - 21:01

عاشت ليبيا كتب:الله اكبر
اشاء الله منتصرين


منذ قليل  402977319

انا ساكن في قلوب الملايين

منذ قليل  761474639منذ قليل  525172794

صديقي الشهيد حمادة
منذ قليل  145296236
فلسطيني محب القذافي
فلسطيني محب القذافي

الجنس : ذكر
عدد المساهمات : 11171
نقاط : 21006
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/08/2011
. : منذ قليل  126f13f0
. : منذ قليل  824184631572

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة

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