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أو التسجيل إن لم تكن عضو وترغب في الإنضمام إلي أسرة المنتدي
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منتديات زنقتنا-منتديات شباب ليبيا الأحرار

عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة
يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول إذا كنت عضو معنا
أو التسجيل إن لم تكن عضو وترغب في الإنضمام إلي أسرة المنتدي
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إدارة المنتدي
منتديات زنقتنا-منتديات شباب ليبيا الأحرار
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

Appeal to the libyan people and people of the world for the life of dr. Abuzaid dorda

2 مشترك

اذهب الى الأسفل

 Appeal to the libyan people and people of the world for the life of dr. Abuzaid dorda  Empty Appeal to the libyan people and people of the world for the life of dr. Abuzaid dorda

مُساهمة من طرف سفانة الأحد 10 يونيو - 23:26

Dr.Abuzaid Omar Dorda is to be taken to court on Tuesday, June 5th, 2012.
The NTC have stated there would be a live broadcast of the proceedings.
His family were not directly informed of this new turn of events and to date, Dr. Dorda has been denied access to legal counsel.
He has not been charged with any crime.
How can the NTC legally justify his long imprisonment, torture and denial of legal counsel?
They cannot.
How can the international community regard this trial as “fair”?
It is not.
On behalf of Dr. Dorda’s family, I
ppealpeople of Libya, the international community and human rights organizations to intervene and see that this violation of due process and the rule of law does not take place.
We demand that Dr. Dorda be permitted immediate access to legal counsel of his choice and that if there must be a trial, it be fair and the proceedings transparent.
Throughout his detention, Dr. Dorda has been subjected to torture and inhumane treatment. He was hospitalized with life-threatening injuries after being thrown from a second story window.
(Please refer to my original Urgent [/size]
]Appeal For The Life Of Dr. [/sizeAbuzaid Dorda .)
There is no security in Libya, which begs the question, why have the trial now?
Dr. Dorda is higly respected by all Libyans and by the leaders of every tribe.
He has always been a man renowned for his integrity, who valiantly advocated for the weak and helpless and assisted many from every corner of the nation during his years of service to the [/size]
[=16]people [/]of Libya.
There is no doubt that subjecting Dr. Dorda to an unfair trial will lead to protests throughout the country that will include
[=]people [/]from all sides of the present conflict.
www.muamaralgadafi.com/vb/showthread.php?to the targets listed in my first appeal, focusing especially on Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, asking them to personally be present to observe and monitor the trial proceedings.
Please include this latest update on Dr. Dorda’s situation in your letters of appeal.
I also encourage [/]
[=]people [/ ][=]to rally outside showthread.]Libyan [[/url]embassies throughout the world and demand an end to not only Dr. Dorda’s planned mock trial, but an end to all imprisonment, torture, unfair trials and executions of Libya’s political prisoners that are motivated purely by fear and the need for political revenge.
Not one prisoner of over 7, 000 currently detained has been charged with a crime or been permitted legal counsel.
Each prisoner has been subjected to inhumane conditions (more than 100 prisoners to a cell), torture (many were tortured to death), and summary executions.
The current regime has violated every law and norm with regards to the proper treatment of political prisoners and every human right as outlined in:
Please do not remain silent while this atrocity continues. Do not allow the NTC and NATO to continue murdering innocent Libyans.
Alexandra Valiente
Libya 360°
Viva Libya!

الجنس : انثى
عدد المساهمات : 7928
نقاط : 19742
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/08/2011
. :  Appeal to the libyan people and people of the world for the life of dr. Abuzaid dorda  126f13f0
. :  Appeal to the libyan people and people of the world for the life of dr. Abuzaid dorda  8241f84631572

بطاقة الشخصية

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

 Appeal to the libyan people and people of the world for the life of dr. Abuzaid dorda  Empty رد: Appeal to the libyan people and people of the world for the life of dr. Abuzaid dorda

مُساهمة من طرف فرح الأربعاء 13 يونيو - 17:12

thank you for the artical and for bringing this issue up so the media can get hold of it and educate the world of what we are going through on a daily basis ,again thank you so much for the kind words and keep up the good work


  الى الامام ..  سنواصل الكفاح حتى النصر

مجلس أوروبا الموقع ,, http://www.echr.coe.int/ECHR/EN/Bottom/Contac
منظمة هيومن رايتس ووتش .. الموقع الالكتروني .
http://www.hrw.org/ar .. بالعربي .
http://www.hrw.org/en/contact-us .. بالانجليزي ..
inquiries@un.org منظمـــات الامــم المتحــدة : Mr. BAN KI-MOON
mail@icj-cij.org محكمة العدل الدولية
amnesty@amnesty.nl منظمة العفو الدولية
npillay@ohchr.org المنظمة الدولية لحقوق الانسان
amnestyalgeria@hotmail.com منظمه العفو الدوليه فى الجزائر
info@arabhumanrighhts.org منظمه حقوق الانسان فى الدول العربيه
infodesk@ohchr.org ( مفوض الامم المتحده السامى لحقوق الانسان )

الجنس : انثى
عدد المساهمات : 8273
نقاط : 19148
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/07/2011
. :  Appeal to the libyan people and people of the world for the life of dr. Abuzaid dorda  706078396
. :  Appeal to the libyan people and people of the world for the life of dr. Abuzaid dorda  824184631572

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

 Appeal to the libyan people and people of the world for the life of dr. Abuzaid dorda  Empty رد: Appeal to the libyan people and people of the world for the life of dr. Abuzaid dorda

مُساهمة من طرف سفانة الأربعاء 13 يونيو - 18:07

I appreciate your passing,my lovely.....

We hope that Libyan people do anything to save Dorda’s life....

الجنس : انثى
عدد المساهمات : 7928
نقاط : 19742
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/08/2011
. :  Appeal to the libyan people and people of the world for the life of dr. Abuzaid dorda  126f13f0
. :  Appeal to the libyan people and people of the world for the life of dr. Abuzaid dorda  8241f84631572

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

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