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Clinton hails 'milestone' meeting with Burma leader

اذهب الى الأسفل

GMT + 8 Hours Clinton hails 'milestone' meeting with Burma leader

مُساهمة من طرف الصقر الليبي السبت 14 يوليو - 8:27


The US Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton has met Burma's President Thein Sein at a business forum in

Top US business leaders including executives from Coca Cola and Ford were
among 200 business leaders at the conference in Siem Reap.

The talks follow the easing of restrictions on US firms investing in

Ms Clinton said this week represented a "milestone" in relations between the
two countries.

She is leading a high-level business delegation at the Asia regional meetings
in Cambodia. The group is also expected to visit the Burmese capital Nay Pyi Taw
and Rangoon.

"We're excited by what lies ahead and we're very supportive of President
Thein Sein's economic and political reforms," Ms Clinton said.

In response, the Burmese president said he was "very pleased" that the
US-Burma relationship was "improving dramatically", adding: "We are pleased that
President Obama eased the sanctions".
On Wednesday, US President Barack Obama announced that US companies will now
be allowed to "responsibly do business in Burma".

But he said that entities belonging to the army or ministry of defence would
not be covered by the move.

Thein Sein said Burma was hoping to attract more investment into the country.

"Myanmar has been left behind in development for the past 60 years," he

According to a report by the Associated Press, citing an anonymous US
official, Thein Sein pledged to the US secretary of state that he would manage
his country's expected new wealth in a responsible fashion and share it among
its people.

As well as US investment in the country, Ms Clinton reportedly pressed
Burma's leader on human rights issues, asking about the fate of a Muslim
minority group, the Rohingyas.

She said that the US considers them "internally displaced people" and,
according to the official quoted by AP, Thein Sein described the situation as
"very dangerous".

Washington has welcomed reforms in Burma but has also warned that the moves
do not signify that the US is ''satisfied that reforms are complete or

Since 2010, Burma's government has seen a transition from authoritarian rule
to a more inclusive system.

The European Union, Australia and other countries have also eased sanctions
against the country.


أمريكا تكافيء رئيس بورما علي قتل المسلمين بتعزيز التعاون الإقتصادي!
اللّهم أهلكه
م سوياً بما قتلوا من عبادك الموحدين

On Wednesday, US President Barack Obama announced that US companies will now be allowed to "responsibly do business in Burma".

الأربعاء | أوباما: الأن يمكن لأمريكا أن تبدأ الأستثمار في بورما بثقة

Clinton hails 'milestone' meeting with Burma leader
هيلاري كلينتون تعقد أجتماع تأسيس علاقات مع قائد بورما

Clinton: "We're excited by what lies ahead and we're very supportive of President Thein Sein's economic and political reforms," Ms Clinton said.

هيلاري: متشوقون لمستقبل بورما ومساندون لإعادة الهيكلة الإقتصادية والسياسية التي قام بها رئيس بورما! (وأهمها تهجير المسلمين بغير حق إلا أن يقولوا ربنا الله!)
الصقر الليبي

الجنس : ذكر
عدد المساهمات : 7017
نقاط : 19373
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/05/2011
. : Clinton hails 'milestone' meeting with Burma leader 706078396
. : Clinton hails 'milestone' meeting with Burma leader 8241f84631572

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