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منتديات زنقتنا-منتديات شباب ليبيا الأحرار

عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة
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أو التسجيل إن لم تكن عضو وترغب في الإنضمام إلي أسرة المنتدي
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Attack on the U.S.embassy and the real story of the killing of embassdor

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Attack on the U.S.embassy and the real story of the killing of embassdor Empty Attack on the U.S.embassy and the real story of the killing of embassdor

مُساهمة من طرف فرح الأربعاء 12 ديسمبر - 3:22

According to a political advisor to the u.s .government that the u.s .embassy in Benghazi Libya came under attack shortly after midnight local Benghazi time and the attack went on for 4 hours with out any help from the u.s. Government or the local libyan government if you can call it government,at this point ambassador Stevens was sending messages to Washington D.C and asking for help because the attack was very immanent and extreme,he was sending a distress message with a secret code to the chief of operation at D.C command center,this code has to be sent by any u.s ambassador only any where in the world from any u.s. Embassies .
At this point the chief of operation that handles north Africa daily activities did not wake the president and inform him of what is taking place in Benghazi that there was an attack on the embassy in Benghazi ,he was thinking that the attack will soon be over with the group of attackers will disappear in the dark and things will back to normal in the morning but this whole episode took a turn to the worst .
Ambassador Stevens sent a second message to D.C and urge them to send a air support or send the marines to help rescue him and the staff.
At this point the chief of operation sent a message to ambassador Stevens that help is on the way from a disclosed air force carier somewhere in the reign,which was a lie,and went on telling the ambassador that the marines are ready to be deployed within 4 hours from now ,the told the ambassador to get ready to be transported by his secret services which are the navy seal in the embassy at the time and his name was Mr. Woods but the chief of operation in D.C changed the plan by telling Mr. Woods to go out-side the embassy and point a laser gun beem at the compound to give the air support a signal to destroy the embassy-with everything in it with secrets documents that could be very damaging to the u.s. Gvernment and again this episode took a turn of the worst,when the militias attack the embassy ,there was of a few people guarding the embassy at the time a group of the Libyan police ,with no training but carring guns ,the police officer decided to sell out the staff that were spouse to protect and serve but instead they abandon the embassy and that is when the militias storm the inside of the compound ,they killed the navy seal out side the embassy pointing his laser gun beam for the air support then went inside the compound and they found ambassador Stevens laying down suffering from smoke inhalation and if you saw clips of the initial reports that someone was dragging ambassador Stevens alive at this point.
The plan again was to take the ambassador and his staff to a safe haven place ,this could be a safe house or a helicopter waiting by shore at the Mediterranean sea or an air force base to get on a plane to be lifted out of the country safely but on the way the safe haven the group of the militias deiced or had a different plan in mind and that to keep the ambassador alive ,so they called a senior alqyida and asked him what to do with the ambassador ,he replied quickly to kill him right way because if they kept him alive then the American forces will find out his location because the ambassador was bugged with a electric devise in his skin that know one will know but it looks like someone else knows about these types of secrets already,anyways they shot him and he never made it the save haven and neither his staff,the militias entered the compound and found a lot of documents that are tied to the alqyida and its movements and also names and photos of its members in the area.
Alqyida got hold of all these documents and this is very damaging to the u.s. Government and its reputation in the reign,basically the chief of operation lied to the navy seal about the air support been coming and lied to the ambassador about help was coming,in return the navy seal was killed because of the chief .
This is the real story and there are no other stories,you may see something similar to this story on the news maybe 30 years from now.

الجنس : انثى
عدد المساهمات : 8273
نقاط : 19114
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/07/2011
. : Attack on the U.S.embassy and the real story of the killing of embassdor 706078396
. : Attack on the U.S.embassy and the real story of the killing of embassdor 824184631572

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

Attack on the U.S.embassy and the real story of the killing of embassdor Empty رد: Attack on the U.S.embassy and the real story of the killing of embassdor

مُساهمة من طرف الصقر الليبي الأربعاء 12 ديسمبر - 18:37

جزاك الله كل خير اختي المناضلة فرح على ملئ الفراغ واهتمامك بقسم الاخبار الاجنبية .. وفقك الله وسدد خطاك
اتمنى من الاخوة المهتمين بالانجليزية ان يعطوا هذا القسم بعض الاهتمام ويتعاونوا معك في دعمه والنهوض به

اعطر التحايا من اخوك الصقر
الصقر الليبي

الجنس : ذكر
عدد المساهمات : 7017
نقاط : 19453
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/05/2011
. : Attack on the U.S.embassy and the real story of the killing of embassdor 706078396
. : Attack on the U.S.embassy and the real story of the killing of embassdor 8241f84631572

بطاقة الشخصية
زنقتنا: 69

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

Attack on the U.S.embassy and the real story of the killing of embassdor Empty رد: Attack on the U.S.embassy and the real story of the killing of embassdor

مُساهمة من طرف فرح الأربعاء 12 ديسمبر - 20:38

ولك كل التحيه اخى الصقر ,واسعدنى مرورك الكريم ..

الجنس : انثى
عدد المساهمات : 8273
نقاط : 19114
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/07/2011
. : Attack on the U.S.embassy and the real story of the killing of embassdor 706078396
. : Attack on the U.S.embassy and the real story of the killing of embassdor 824184631572

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