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منتديات زنقتنا-منتديات شباب ليبيا الأحرار

عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة
يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول إذا كنت عضو معنا
أو التسجيل إن لم تكن عضو وترغب في الإنضمام إلي أسرة المنتدي
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Australia joins Europeans in Benghazi threat alert

اذهب الى الأسفل

Australia joins Europeans in Benghazi threat alert Empty Australia joins Europeans in Benghazi threat alert

مُساهمة من طرف صريح الجمعة 25 يناير - 12:33

Australia joins Europeans in Benghazi threat alert Photo_1359088404178_6_0-18g43nq

LONDON (AFP) - Britain, Germany, the Netherlands and Australia have all urged their citizens to leave the Libyan city of Benghazi due to a "specific, imminent threat to Westerners", linked to French action in Mali.

Britain's warning Thursday sparked an angry response from Libya's government, which said there was "no new intelligence" to justify such concerns in the eastern city.

But Australia's department of foreign affairs said Friday: "We are aware of a specific, imminent threat to Westerners in Benghazi. All Australians in Benghazi should leave immediately.

"There is a risk of retaliatory attacks against Western targets in Libya following the French intervention in the conflict in Mali in January 2013."

Benghazi was the cradle of the uprising that ousted ????? Moamer Kadhafi in 2011 and also the city where a US ambassador was killed in an attack last September.

The initial alert from London came hours after British Prime Minister David Cameron warned that last week's deadly attack on a gas complex in Algeria was only one part of what would be a "long struggle against murderous terrorists" around the world.

"We are now aware of a specific and imminent threat to Westerners in Benghazi, and urge any British nationals who remain there against our advice to leave immediately," the Foreign Office in London said in a statement.

Later Thursday, both Germany and the Netherlands also warned their citizens to leave.

Libya's deputy interior minister, Abdullah Massoud, expressed "astonishment" at the warnings, and said Tripoli would be demanding an explanation.

"We acknowledge that there are security problems in Benghazi and that there have been for several months, but there is no new intelligence that could justify this reaction from London," the minister said.

"On the contrary. We are now in the process of establishing our authority in the east and in all of Libya, and the security forces are organising themselves little by little and are more and more visible on the ground."

Since its pivotal role as the springboard for the uprising, Benghazi has emerged as a hub for jihadist groups.

On Wednesday, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned of the challenge posed by rising militancy following the Arab Spring, in testimony to Congress about September's bloody attack on the US mission in Benghazi.

US Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed when dozens of heavily armed Al-Qaeda-linked militants overran the compound and a nearby CIA-run annex.

Britain closed its mission in Benghazi around the same time and updated its official advice to warn against travelling there and indeed to most of Libya. The number of Britons currently in Benghazi is only thought to be in the dozens.

Earlier this month the Italian consul in Benghazi was shot at in his car, although he escaped unhurt.

Last week's attack on the BP-run In Amenas gas plant in Algeria, in which at least 37 foreign hostages and one Algerian hostage were killed, has sparked fresh concerns about rising Islamist extremism across north Africa.

Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan has denied reports that the hostage-takers entered Algeria from Libya and used weapons left over from Kadhafi's arsenal.
In a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Cameron told delegates: "I believe we are in the midst of a long struggle against murderous terrorists and the poisonous ideology that supports them."
The source is 7news TV


الجنس : ذكر
عدد المساهمات : 5139
نقاط : 23567
تاريخ التسجيل : 17/04/2011
. : Australia joins Europeans in Benghazi threat alert 706078396
. : Australia joins Europeans in Benghazi threat alert 824184631572
. : Australia joins Europeans in Benghazi threat alert 8241f84631572

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